Mapo Cultural Depot
Preserving the wild

Our competition entry reimagines a post industrial landscape to create a unique cultural experience in Seoul

The disused Mapo Oil Depot site consists of a number of tanks of different sizes and retaining walls amongst a landscape of wild vegetation. It is located in an area of Seoul that already boasts a variety of parks and activity spaces so our approach was one of ‘less is more’, to subtly enhance the existing and unique characteristics of the site and create a wilderness reserve.

The varying scales of enclosure – from the tanks and walls to the wild vegetation and the incredible site topography – are all retained to provide an authentic experience. A network of woodland paths reconnects and offers new routes around the site.
The five tanks – accessed by tunnels, slots, and paths – are gently modified to provide necessary ventilation, usable spaces and landscaped gardens, creating spaces to house art installations, performances, and more tranquil spaces.

The visitors centre is partially buried forming a connection between tanks 4 and 5 on the most developed part of the site. By day the building is just visible on the hillside but by night, it forms a beacon for the redevelopment.
The sense of natural wilderness is maintained by implementing geometric zoning, preserving the more inaccessible parts and providing contrast with the more manicured and designed forest-like settings within. In a future phase, the existing coach park will become an open, centrally located flowering glade, connecting the existing buildings. The expansive openness will allow visitors to catch their breath and plan their next route in to the wild.

Project details
Project name: Mapo Cultural Depot
Location: Seoul, South Korea
Scope: Architecture, Urban design
Status: Complete
Completion date: 2014
