Living Systems Institute, University of Exeter
Innovation through collaboration

The Living Systems Institute provides a world-class facility with the ethos of inter-disciplinary and collaborative research firmly at its core.

The new building brings departments previously spread across the University’s Streatham campus together under one roof: its design the culmination of 10 years of learning, innovation, and experience of research buildings.

The main building functions of ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ research spaces are separate but connected by generous multi-storey circulation spaces that spark formal and informal collaboration.
The variety of workspaces facilitate flexible working and encourage further ‘accidental’ meetings between scientists, researchers, postgraduates, and professors.

Prolonging the usable lifetime of the building was vital. Detailed scenario planning for the general lab clusters ensured they could be adapted to suit a range of research requirements, from general use to robotics and neurophysiology research. By dropping services from the ceiling or confining them to the lab perimeter we were able to free up floor space and keep it flexible.

Opportunities to socialise and relax are provided on the landscaped terraces which have been carved into and around the building. Incorporating hard and soft landscaping they offer superb, elevated views across Exeter.

Throughout the design process, we talked to people from across the university, including core academic groups. These discussions influenced the building structure, materials used, façade artwork and routes through the campus.

We worked closely with artist Nicky Hirst to create an artwork illustrating genome patterns for the glazing on the building’s primary façade. Not only beautiful, but practical too, helping reduce solar gain.
Project details
Project name: Living Systems Institute, University of Exeter
Location: Exeter, UK
Value: £20M – £50M
Scope: Architecture
Clients: University of Exeter
Status: Complete
Completion date: 2016
Project manager: Mace
Contractor: BAM
M&E: Hoare Lea
Structures, civil, acoustics: Aecom
Fire: Exova
Laboratory consultants (pre-contract only): Abell Nepp
Landscape architects: Illman Young
Building Forum Building of the Year - Winner
Education Estates Awards 2017 Innovation in Delivering Value - Winner
RIBA Awards 2017 South West and Wessex Regional Award - Winner